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Creates an internal or external stage.


-- Internal stage
CREATE STAGE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] <internal_stage_name>
[ FILE_FORMAT = ( { TYPE = { PARQUET | CSV | TSV | NDJSON } [ formatTypeOptions ] ) } ]
[ COPY_OPTIONS = ( copyOptions ) ]
[ COMMENT = '<string_literal>' ]

-- External stage
CREATE STAGE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] <external_stage_name>
[ FILE_FORMAT = ( { TYPE = { PARQUET | CSV | TSV | NDJSON } [ formatTypeOptions ] ) } ]
[ COPY_OPTIONS = ( copyOptions ) ]
[ COMMENT = '<string_literal>' ]



If the ENDPOINT_URL parameter is not specified in the command, Databend will create the stage on Amazon S3 by default. Therefore, when you create an external stage on an S3-compatible object storage or other object storage solutions, be sure to include the ENDPOINT_URL parameter.

externalStageParams ::=
URL = 's3://<bucket>[<path/>]'
ENDPOINT_URL = 'https://<endpoint-URL>'
ACCESS_KEY_ID = '<your-access-key-ID>'
SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = '<your-secret-access-key>'
ROLE_ARN = '<your-ARN-of-IAM-role>'
EXTERNAL_ID = '<your-external-ID>'
REGION = '<region-name>'

To create a stage on Amazon S3, you can use one of two methods: providing AWS access keys and secrets, or specifying an AWS IAM role and external ID for authentication.

By specifying an AWS IAM role and external ID, you can provide more granular control over which S3 buckets a user can access. This means that if the IAM role has been granted permissions to access only specific S3 buckets, then the user will only be able to access those buckets. An external ID can further enhance security by providing an additional layer of verification. For more information, see

URLExternal files located at the AWS S3 compatible object storage.Required
ENDPOINT_URLThe bucket endpoint URL starting with "https://". To use a URL starting with "http://", set allow_insecure to true in the [storage] block of the file databend-query-node.toml.Optional
ACCESS_KEY_IDYour access key ID for connecting the AWS S3 compatible object storage. If not provided, Databend will access the bucket anonymously.Optional
SECRET_ACCESS_KEYYour secret access key for connecting the AWS S3 compatible object storage.Optional
ROLE_ARNAmazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role.Optional
EXTERNAL_IDYour external ID for authentication when accessing specific Amazon S3 buckets.Optional
REGIONAWS region name. For example, us-east-1.Optional
ENABLE_VIRTUAL_HOST_STYLEIf you use virtual hosting to address the bucket, set it to "true".Optional


For details about FILE_FORMAT, see Input & Output File Formats.


copyOptions ::=
[ SIZE_LIMIT = <num> ]
[ PURGE = <bool> ]
SIZE_LIMIT = <num>Number (> 0) that specifies the maximum rows of data to be loaded for a given COPY statement. Default 0Optional
PURGE = <bool>True specifies that the command will purge the files in the stage if they are loaded successfully into table. Default falseOptional


-- This example creates an internal stage.
CREATE STAGE my_internal_stage;

-- This example creates an external stage on Amazon S3.
CREATE STAGE my_s3_stage URL='s3://load/files/' CONNECTION = (ACCESS_KEY_ID = '<your-access-key-id>' SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = '<your-secret-access-key>');

DESC STAGE my_s3_stage;
| name | stage_type | stage_params | copy_options | file_format_options | comment |
| my_s3_stage | External | StageParams { storage: S3(StageS3Storage { bucket: "load", path: "/files/", credentials_aws_key_id: "", credentials_aws_secret_key: "", encryption_master_key: "" }) } | CopyOptions { on_error: None, size_limit: 0 } | FileFormatOptions { format: Csv, skip_header: 0, field_delimiter: ",", record_delimiter: "\n", compression: None } | |